San Diego NEDA Walk 2015 Recap

First off, I’m sorry that I’ve been neglecting my blog :(. I really do enjoy blogging but I always seem to be busy no matter what. I think now that with the initial stress of the new semester beginning has subsided some (my first semester didn’t end until early February), I will be able to focus more on my blog. That’s my plan at least! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep myself accountable ;).

Anyways, what a weekend! I’m at a loss of words to describe the experiences that I have been so lucky to have the past few days. Let’s recap, shall we?

Early Friday morning I flew to San Diego, California to tour a college, University of San Diego to be exact :).

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 Bye bye Seattle!

I went all by myself and it was truly an amazing experience. I met so many new people from all sorts of different backgrounds. The one thing that they all had in common though was their positive, friendly attitudes. I have seriously never met such kind people in my life! I learned so much just listening to what people had to say. It truly is remarkable.

On Friday I toured University of San Diego and fell in love with it. The campus was absolutely gorgeous. Here are some pictures (cue photo dump):

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Sorry that the last two were a little blurry haha. The tour was great though and this school is now for sure one of my top picks (fingers crossed!)

Moving right along…

While the weather was not as good as it normally is in San Diego, I still thought that it was great. Being from Washington State, where there seems to be an endless amount of gray skies, this was a vast improvement. Plus the little rain actually felt good. Maybe I’m just too used to it…

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Saturday afternoon was fantastic though!

Going briefly back to Friday I was also lucky enough to finally go to Sprouts! I’ve heard several positive things about the store so I was ecstatic when I found that there was one just a few minutes from my hotel. I was not disappointed and while I couldn’t buy much, I was still happy that I got to see what all the buzz was about ;). Definitely worth the trip.

Oh and here’s some random but really good Teriyaki that I got for dinner Friday night. I had some ice cream afterwards for dessert since ice cream is thee best :).

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Saturday, however, was by far the best day of my mini vacation. I joined Julia and some of her friends along with a few others for the San Diego NEDA walk and boy, I am so happy that I had the chance to go. It was better than I had ever imagined it to be and I feel beyond blessed to have participated in such a cause so close to my heart. Here are a couple pictures:

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Yes, I am squinting like crazy since I am blinded by the sun haha. I must not be used to it…

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Again, words cannot describe how lucky I feel to be able to participate in such an event. It was eye opening to hear what other people had gone through in their own recovery journeys. While it was sad knowing that many must suffer from eating disorders and various other illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and even more physical ones like cancer and diabetes, it is nice knowing that you are never alone, no matter what.

In this case, it was refreshing for me to see that I am not alone in fighting this disease, although sometimes it may feel like it. There are thousands out there facing similar circumstances. Julia, along with everyone else there, gave me renewed strength in my recovery and reminded me to keep fighting, no matter what, to be healthy again. I have been having trouble continuing on from my current point in recovery, so I am beyond fortunate to have been given so much unwavering support.

It makes me angry to think about how unfair it is to those who must suffer from similar issues. However, the truth is that we all have every power to fight. To fight for recovery, to fight for our health, for our well-being, and perhaps most important of all, for our freedom. It will be extremely difficult but worth every bit of effort. No one deserves to live a life dominated by a disorder. Life is worth so much more.

And on that (hopefully) empowering note, I shall close with a picture of my view outside my airplane window as I was leaving San Diego,

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See? Even California was sad to see me leave! I’ll hopefully be back soon, after I get a well-paying job haha.