Review: Ben & Jerry’s Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream

I finally found it you guys! I had been looking for the Pumpkin Cheesecake Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for weeks and a couple of weeks ago I finally found it at some random Walmart in the middle of nowhere. Weird right? I had called every Walmart within a 50 mile radius of my house (no, I hear you, I’m not crazy 🙂 ) with no luck. I was about to give up in my struggles when all of a sudden my family and I pulled over at a Walmart at 1:30 in the morning as our car was having trouble (which was not fun by the way). There, in that Walmart, I found it.

At the time, the employees were restocking and I was the only customer there, since you know, it was 1:30 am haha. I screamed and giggled when I found my beloved pint. Every worker in there stared at me. They probably thought I was crazy or on drugs or something because who goes to Walmart in the middle of the night screaming when they find ice cream? Not very many my friend, not very many…

However, in my defense, this ice cream was absolutely DELICIOUS. Seriously. If you guys ever come across this flavor, you must buy it. It’s required. Okay, you don’t have to but I highly recommend it :).

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Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream with a Graham Cracker Swirl

How can you go wrong with that?

Pumpkin + ice cream + graham cracker swirl = perfection in a pint.

And that was exactly what this was. Perfect.

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Upon first opening, I was greeted by some delightfully light orange ice cream with some graham cracker swirl saying hello. The smell was intoxicating. It smelled exactly- maybe even better than, dare I saw it- pumpkin pie. I grabbed a spoon and dug in, expecting the best…

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…and I was not disappointed. You see that chunk of buttery, rich, sweet, graham cracker swirl there? Yep, I think I died upon eating this. I died of over stimulated taste buds. It’s a real problem nowadays ;).

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Take two! Yum yum yum.

The slightly crispy, sweet graham cracker swirl contrasted beautifully with the smooth, rich pumpkin ice cream. It wasn’t overly sweet, which is definitely important to me since I’m not a huge fan of desserts that are too sweet. The pumpkin flavor was great too- not too weak, which I find to be a problem in some pumpkin ice creams, but not too strong either. Perfectly pumpkin-y :).

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Overall, this ice cream was just plain perfect. I can’t think of a single thing that I would change or add to it. This is definitely on my list of all-time favorite ice creams. Considering the fact that I have tried almost every Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor out there- along with a plethora of other brands and flavors- this is quite the accomplishment in my book.

Rating: 11/10 (yep, 11 🙂 )