New Years Resolutions

Hello hello HELLOOO! (remember that movie?).

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas, I know that I sure did. I spent lots of time with my family and close family friends. I went to a few Christmas parties, ate some good food, rested, and slept. A lot. Like I have been averaging 10-12 hours a night the past week…oops. It was very much needed though, as I had been getting about 5 hours a night prior to winter break. No good.

Anyways, sleep is not the topic of this post, although I will be writing one on the importance of sleep and rest soon (if I get around to it…). Instead, I want to discuss New Years resolutions.

Often times people, myself included, focus on everything we didn’t get accomplished or even start during the past year. We tend to focus on what we didn’t do or on only the negative aspects. You may feel like you should of put more effort into school (a big one for me) or like you could of spent more time with family or friends. Maybe you wanted to become closer to God or set aside more time for your hobbies. While all of this may very well be true, if you focus all of your energy on what you didn’t do last year, than you are going to be starting the new year out with a negative mindset.


While it is important to consider what we may of not done, we should not put all of our energy into belittling ourselves for it. Things come up, unexpected events take place, life happens. It’s okay. I know that it’s cliche, but you truly do learn from the past. Evaluate and think of what may of gotten in the way of you accomplishing your goals. Do you spend too much time on social media? (raises hand…) Do you often put others ahead of yourself? Is there a way that you can carve out a section of time in your day, or even just once a week where you can work on your resolution? For example, say your resolution is to become closer to God. Set aside just 10-15 minutes a day to pray, read the Bible, or even just meditate. Whatever you want. It’s your resolution, remember? 🙂

Another tip for New Years resolutions is to start with small goals. Just like you would for studying, take it one small chuck at a time. If your goal is to spend more time doing things you enjoy, start with setting aside a specific time just once a week. As short or as long as you like. Over time, it will become habitual and before you know it you will improve on whatever it is you’re doing. It’s perfectly find if you don’t do it every week or if something else comes up, just don’t loose focus on your overall goal. Write sticky notes or tell a friend or family member about your resolution. Keep yourself accountable!

Well, that’s about all I got for tonight. It’s past midnight here and I should probably be heading to bed…. I hope this helped though!


  1. What are some of your New Years resolutions?
  2. Did you have a resolution last year? Was it successful?

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